All praise to be almighty Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful, without His immense blessings and guidance this thesis could not have been written. I had long been concerned to put into writing and reading regarding of my master thesis. I also have received encouragements and help from a lot of people.
Let me express my thanks with all my heart to my supervisor, Assoc. Prof. Hairuddin Mohd Ali, whose ideas, thought and critical assessment helped to improve the substance and outlook of mythesis. I will always be proud of being his student. Also, my deepest appreciation is due to Assist. Prof. Dr. Mohamad Johdi Salleh for the valuable suggestions, comments and also going beyond the call of duty in editing my thesis.
To Dr. Maimunah Binti Abdul Kodir and Rumaisa Nordin for their excellent works in reading and re-editing my thesis before its printing and also Sofy Meylinda for his excellent work to assist me in Arabic translation, her next assistants is be waiting.
My special gratitude and indebtedness to my master, Dr. Syamsuddin Arif, whose guidance and have been of the great inspiration throughout my academic journey in quest of His knowledge.
Precisely, it is impossible to name them all here one by one, but I should like to express my respect for and gratitude to all those, both near and far, who have been with me in my efforts and who have borne the difficulties of this commitment. Among my close colleagues there are Mohammad Alfan, Ali Muchtar, Muchtim Humaidi, Humam Mustajib, Misbakhul Munir, Fejri Gasman, Usef Saifuddin, Abdul Karnen, Abdul Ghani, Saprinal Manurung, Fariz Suradji and specially my friend Sa’adah Binti Khair (you helped me so much in creating this blog), I think my words are not enough to pay your kindness anyway. those who have had to endure my daily rhythm, moods, and character more than others.
My thanks also to my friend in this blog. Honestly saying that lighted and inspired me a lot.
This acknowledgement is incomplete without special mention of my brothers and sisters, Fajar Raihan, Erlina, Amna Syifia, Uswatun Khasanah and Mizan Nur Inayah, whose asked my health and ensured my condition during my study in Malaysia.
The Last but not the least, This work is dedicated to my parent H. Mehad Suparno and Hj. Munzainah, whose love and encouragement have made me what I am now, and whose tears and sweats are source of inspiration. Indeed, no amount of words can describe my gratitude to them.