Saturday, May 21, 2011


I just want to share that the value of good or bad deed is not given by the majority of the people but from the God through His Revelation and Prophet Muhammad SAW. What happen today in our society, the value of a good or bad is determined by the majority of the people even it is not promise-able in the Qur'an and Prophetic tradition. a small example in the curriculum of the study, directly or indirectly, it is like everyone should be rather believe that human being is created from the evolution of the monkey without filter to encounter formally to this idea in the curriculum of our study. I think it is still happen nowadays.

Again, the value of good or bad deed is not determined by the level of like or unlike. The story is mostly happen in the thought of family members between parents and their child. What I heard that parents like to ask the child regarding of child's willingness to do this or those while this child is not mature enough to consider weather it is good or not for him. "hi kid please go to school for study!!" Mom asked the child. Then her child answered "I don't want Mom because I'm not interest to do this." Ironically the Mom just follow the child's without any coercions while the child still continue his delight by supporting of his parents anyway.

I think we should say to him "it is not important weather you like it or not".

Commonly, child doesn't know, what is good for him and what should be stayed away from him. The child only knows what he wants and what he doesn't want at the same time "want" or "willingness" is like "Syahwah (Nafs)" that potentially controlled by Syaitan.

Maybe we feel that Allah has commanded us many things to do in this world based on His will but not our will which that is we always like it. We should remember anytime and everywhere that like or dislike is just our feeling (nafs) which is mostly dominated by Devil (Syaitan).
Let do in every move based on what Allah has taught to Muhammad SAW and what Prophet Muhammad SAW has taught us. Then, our move comes with His company and guidance.

Anyway, everything comes from Him and it is for us as a human being and not for Him at all because He still exist without humans' submission.


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